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Post-Dissertation Speech

Featuring words inspired by "Go! Child - Gravitated" ( and Arcade Productions' "End of the Line". (

Well, it is done. My final undergraduate paper. The very paper that will determine whether or not I am worthy of becoming a Master Student. Still, my mind casts its doubts if I am worthy to return to such a title, and even if I am proven wrong on that rather biased self-evaluation, it is still the end of an era; so many people I've run this race with will be gone.

I was saving this for next year at the Master Graduation, but it feels right to published this now; "There is so much that I owe to this university, it picked me up and helped me get myself off of the ground. Many things I've tried for years, and I never really got them down. Many dreams, needing opportunities that never came around. However, I made it through, and it's all thanks to all of you. One look around, shows me a lot of promise. The peaceful sound, the potential inside us. Our time is now, let's show the world how we won't, be taken down. Starting now. One look around, shows me how much we've grown, that we were bound to take the world by storm.

But I know my best days are behind me. No more long essays, one more may just destroy me. But I'm ready for the end, I'm not afraid. Let the Students of Bedford pine, and keep me hidden from the test of time, let me go out like the student I was in the height of my prime. I've worked for place long enough to know when time is truly up, I know it's the End of the Line. It's time hand in the final essay, and take a nice little trip down memory lane. The graduation stage is calling my name.

When I arrived an age of change was born, I took the place by storm. I was the realist guy they'd ever seen, a shining star, no in-between. Soon to be tucked away and deemed worthless, left to rot, with no remaining purpose, be a relic of a time long passed, destined to have his mind constantly harnessed. But 'ya know, I'm kinda proud I made it this far. If my time is truly up, let me go out like a shooting star. I've worked for place long enough to know when time is truly up, I know it's the End of the Line. I'll go out like a fighter in the ring, working harder than ever to end it like a true king. I'll be the last of my class to make it this far.

Despite my flaws and problems, I pressed on with what life gave me. Always on time, doing the work without fuss. And if the work is truly over and done, and I'll never again get to see this place, at least I'll go out knowing there will never be another one like me."

Thank you for the ride, proud graduates of 2018. May our paths cross again some day, when we have lived in the world a little more, and grown even further than we already have. Good luck.


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