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A Blessed Life

You know you learn a lot about yourself when you are stricken down with flu. Like a mighty lion reminded of his mortality after going after the wrong wildebeest.

Sure I've been through a lot to be able to make it to this day; I've been emotionally and psychologically abused by a poor excuse for a genetic donor, been emotionally ruined during the extreme vulnerability of puberty, been on the receiving end of body shaming, had my creativity during secondary school ridiculed to the point of being unable to express myself creatively, had my intelligence insulted and unfairly tested, narrowly avoided Salmonella poisoning twice, been batten and beaten by both people and shear dumb luck to the point I almost made the ultimate mistake on a bridge one rainy night...

However, despite these shortcomings, through pure strength of character and an unbreakable will of tenacity, I've turned out alright.

I have two parents that love and provide for me, five amazing siblings that own my heart, and the love and respect of my community. I'm a Master's degree level student that has a good track record with grades, I have a Bachelor's degree in Theatre and three NVQs in Performing Arts with a GCSE in Art and Design. I've been a P.A.L. leader, a Student Representative, a Quizmaster, a Prom King, and the Fresher's Angel of the Year 2017. I've won awards and praise for my humanitarian work, and dazzled audiences with my performances, writings and directing. I've traveled to France, Wales, Amsterdam and Portugal, opened people's minds to new ways of thinking, and provided the compassion that others seek out in times of crisis, forever associating the name "Thomas Barnett" with one of affection, gentleness and strength.

Yeah, I'm a very lucky man.



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