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A Stand Against Autism Jokes

So, when attending social gatherings for the past week, I've been hearing the word "Autism" being thrown around in a rather derogatory way, notably with the nickname "Captain Autism". Now, don't be alarmed anyone, none of this has been addressed at me; I've just overheard a group of people use it on each other while I'm in earshot, and they immediately apologies when what I overheard registered to them. I won't name any names, since the important thing is that they know who they are. At first I thought this was an in-joke amongst one of the Society Circles, but then I heard the same thing at karaoke by someone else, and now I feel I have to put a stop to this before it spreads and gets out of hand.


Case in point, all Autism jokes stop now! Before they become a "thing"! I mean, is that all autism is now; a joke? Let me tell you, it is far from a "joke" for neurotypicals to call each other? I know I make it look cool, and make it seem like it's all sunshine and rainbows, but that's not always the case.

Does anyone want to know what it's like to actually have Autism?

To have your own father state to your face that you have "an illness" with only love in his voice, since he legitimately thinks you are ill? To have to put up with people who think they know best and are helping, when all they are doing is annoying you and you can't express how annoyed you are clearly enough?

To be unable to say the words in your head clearly when talking to someone? To feel that you have to keep up a cheery demeanour because anything but that is labelled as a "meltdown" and overlooked? To have any cry for help met with a "don't let the Autism do this to you" when the autism has nothing to do with what troubled you? To have people constantly say "you need to understand", when you understand everything perfectly and just can't express it in a way that they understand?

To overanalyse everything and only think of the wrong you did, even when everyone else has moved on or never even registered the wrong you did? To constantly feel alienated from everyone, even your closest friends? To want to be loved, but fearing intimacy of any kind?

To have people see you for the disorder instead of for you? To have to register that you "suffer" with something you were born with on government documents? To have to deal with people who have already made up their mind about you before you have even met them based on something they read?

To feel a constant pain that never leaves you alone? To hear the world as if it is screaming? To be blinded by the very Sun that gives us the gift of life? To feel that maybe you don't deserve that gift? To feel disappointed when you see your face in the mirror?

I want everyone to keep that in mind the next time they think it's funny to call someone "so Autistic" or "Captain Autism" as a joke.


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